4 Jumat
03 Mei 2024
15:57:42 WIB
SMAN 2 Metro has a 4J program, including:
1. Religious Friday
2. Healthy Friday
3. Clean Friday
4. Literacy Friday
"This 4J program begins with Friday Religius activities. Where students carry out local worship activities according to their respective beliefs," he explained.
Mr. Ali Kurniawan (Headmaster) said that Friday Religius activities start from 07.00 to 08.00. This activity is carried out in places of worship and special places based on each religion.
"For students who are Muslim, this activity is carried out at the Al-Firdaus Mosque of Smanda Metro and in the mosque courtyard. They carry out the Sholat Duha and another prayer. Students who are Hindu carry out prayer activities and read the holy book in the meeting room of Smanda Metro. Then, "Christians and Catholics pray together in the library room accompanied by their respective tutors," he explained.
"This Friday Religius activity is carried out to awaken and cultivate the emotional intelligence of students and also the school community. "We will continue to provide activities that are useful for children and the school community," He concluded.